Acne and Acne Scar Treatment

How does it help for Acne?

Fotona’s laser treatment reduces acne inflammation through photoselective absorption and controlled heating. The laser safely penetrates the skin to an optimal treatment depth to thermally and selectively destroy overactive sebaceous glands. In addition, the treatment accelerates the healing process and stimulates collagen remodeling, an important step in the long-term treatment of acne.

How can it help with my Acne Scars?

Fotona’s laser is ideal for mild scar revision. It safely and effectively penetrates the skin for gentle resurfacing of acne-scarred skin, helping to improve your skins texture and tone. Unlike chemical peels and dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing allows the penetration depth to be precisely controlled by the practitioner. The laser gently removes micron-thin layers of the acne-scarred surface to reveal healthy, undamaged skin below.

Does the treatment hurt?

Each person is different but during the treatment, you can expect minimal to mild discomfort.

Is there downtime?

Immediately following treatment, you may experience some redness or swelling that will diminish after a few hours. Most patients can resume their daily activities immediately following the treatment. It is best to avoid direct sun for a few days following treatment and to apply sun screen.

How many treatments will I need?

Start with 3 treatments. Some patient may need more later on.

Contact Us


Unit 7-283 Northfield Dr E. Waterloo, ON N2J4G8

Tel: (519) 804-2802
Fax: (519) 804-4607

Hours of Operation

Monday: 10am - 6pm

Tuesday: 10am - 6pm

Wednesday: 10am - 8pm

Thursday: 10am - 6pm

Friday: Closed

Saturday: 10am - 3pm

Sunday: Closed


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