For sun damaged skin, fine lines and wrinkles.
During a laser peel, the superficial layers of the skin are gently removed to promote regeneration of the skin, resulting in a smoother more youthful look.
Laser peels can remove nearly all fine wrinkles, while significantly improving deeper, more dynamic wrinkles. The laser beam gently removes micron-thin layers of the epidermis while thermally affecting deeper skin layers to stimulate the production of new collagen in the dermis.
What is treatment like?
Each person is different, but during the treatment you can expect minimal to moderate discomfort. Anesthetic cream is applied for about 1hr prior to treatment. Immediately following the treatment, you may experience some redness and a sun burn like sensation, depending on your customized treatment settings.
Most patients can resume their daily activities immediately as the mild redness and sunburn like sensation will only last for a few hours. Some more aggressive treatments may have redness and mild swelling for 2-3 days. It is best to avoid direct sun for 2 weeks following treatment and to apply sun screen at all times even while indoors.

Contact Us
Unit 7-283 Northfield Dr E. Waterloo, ON N2J4G8Phone
Tel: (519) 804-2802Fax: (519) 804-4607
Hours of Operation
Monday: 10am - 6pm
Tuesday: 10am - 6pm
Wednesday: 10am - 8pm
Thursday: 10am - 6pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 10am - 3pm
Sunday: Closed